Welcome 2012 + Return Home + Little Bites Updates

Happy 2012! 

Right now I am en-route from Israel back to NYC. And what a loyal blogger am I, sitting at the gate posting. I am  5+ lbs heavier after eating my weight in hummus, rugelach (I told you I eat cookies), and the freshest produce. Here are some visuals of my trip:

Yum. Fresh cheese at the shuk (main market in Jerusalem). Thanks to my Sis-in-law, we were granted much too many samples, including pesto-and chocolate flavored cheese. I’m not one for jazzed-up cheese – the simple sharp cheddar was my favorite.

Firm lookin’ green beans make a nutritionist happy.

Now, for the most delicious part of the trip – my nieces and nephews, who play the crucial role of my lil’ nutrition students:                                                                        

Eating falafel

No food/nutrition relevance, he’s just too cute not to include

A highlight from my trip was a baking session. Using a car cake pan from Williams Sonoma we made and decorated car cakes. You can use any simple white cake recipe; try to substitute at least half the flour with whole wheat flour, especially in this case when the cakes are more about the fun than taste. The kids had a lot of fun decorating their cars (though I didn’t have cleaning up. Warning: decorating gets messy). Due to lack of advanced planning and supply readiness, we had to settle for some sub-optimal decorating tools. But, next time I want to use some fresh fruit to jazz up the colors of the car.


Now Onto Updates: 

1. To visit, you can now just go to Littlebitesnutrition.com. No more .wordpress.com.

2. Stay tuned for some website updates – both in layout and content. I appreciate all feedback, so don’t be shy.

3. If you like drinking, but want to learn how to do so more nutritiously, come to my SkillShare class: A Nutritionist Guide to Boozing (And Some Classier Cocktails).  January 18th@ 7:30 pm. Mixology included.